Want FREE gun/firearm lock?
Free Gun Safety Locks Provided by Public Health Available at LA County Libraries
Gun Safety Locks Will be Available Free,
No Questions Asked, at Five LA County Library Locations
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health’s Office of Violence Prevention, in collaboration with LA County Library, is distributing 1,000 gun safety locks to the public at five library locations across the County; free, no questions asked. An LA County Library card is not required to obtain a free gun safety lock.
The hallmarks of safe gun storage are (1) locking the gun, (2) storing the gun unloaded, and (3) storing the gun separate from ammunition. A gun lock, also known as a firearm lock, gun cable lock, or a gun safety lock, is a device designed to prevent unauthorized use of a gun.
The gun locks and gun safety educational materials will be available for free at the following LA County Tool Lending Libraries:
Compton, 240 W. Compton Blvd, Compton, CA 90220
Lancaster, 601 W. Lancaster Blvd., Lancaster, CA 93534
Norwalk, 12350 Imperial Highway, Norwalk, CA 90650
Rosemead, 8800 Valley Blvd., Rosemead, CA 91770
San Fernando, 217 N. Maclay Ave., San Fernando, CA 91340
Do I need to give you my personal information?
No, the County is not asking anyone for any personal information to receive a gun lock.
How many free gun locks can I have?
Currently, there is a limit of 2-gun locks per family because there is a limited supply of gun locks for all of Los Angeles County.
Do I need to have or show my library card? No, you do not need a library card. If you have a library card, you do not need to show your library card.
Where else can I get free gun locks?
Order online at Project ChildSafe
Check with local Los Angeles County Sheriff Department
Check with local Los Angeles Police Department offices